Home / Events / M18 meeting in Leuven, Belgium (Dec. 2019)

M18 meeting in Leuven, Belgium (Dec. 2019)

On December 18, 2019, 18 months after the CROCODILE project has begun its work, the CROCODILE project team had a meeting with the external reviewers and the project officer of the European Commission for the midterm review meeting.

The various CROCODILE partners presented their work conducted so far and outlined the next steps and plans for future activities.

The agenda for the day was full as a broad range of topics needed to be covered. Partners gave concise presentations on key achievements made, challenges faced and the next steps for each work package. The project officer and the reviewers provided comments and asked insightful questions after each presentation.

The scientific evaluation provided an excellent opportunity to exchange views and receive valuable feedback to further improve the project in future.

The review meeting ran smoothly and there were no major setbacks. The CROCODILE team is now looking forward to the next project period!


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